Making Sure Your AC Endures All Summer

SEER ratingsWe are deep in the dog days of summer! As kids return to school, fall sports start up, and other activities resume, the last thing you need is your HVAC system to fail. Fortunately, there are some simple steps you can take to ensure that your system finishes the summer season strong.

While our air conditioning system is typically on our minds in the spring and early summer as we prepare for warmer weather, it is just as important to focus on our AC system in late summer and early fall as well. End of summer maintenance, however, can look a little different.

Start with what’s Easiest and Gives the Greatest Return

The easiest and most effective self-maintenance any homeowner can tackle when it comes to increasing the life of their AC is regularly changing your home’s air filters. Most professionals recommend changing the air filters between every 60 to 90 days.

Homes with animal lovers, however, should change their filter even more often due to pet dander, dust, and fur floating through the air. These particles can clog the air flow much quicker than homes without pets. On the other hand, vacation homes that are not occupied year-round can change the air filters less often.

Make Space for your System to do its Job

Summertime is when trees, brush, and other vegetation can start to take over the landscape around your house. When limbs and leaves grow up around your air handler, or fall into it from above, the circulation of air is restricted. The end of summer is a good time to clear away any growth from around your system.

Clogged condenser lines and coils can not only cause your system to work harder than necessary, but can lead to major damage of both the system and other parts of your home. Condenser lines have been known to breed mold, which poses a safety hazard to your health and that of your family.

Clogged lines can also lead to backups in moisture that will eventually find its way out and cause damage to walls or flooring. A visual inspection of the entire system, including condenser lines, coils, and electrical components will go a long way toward catching issues before they cost you big money.

The best step to take in ensuring your AC endures is setting up an HVAC preventive maintenance plan with a reputable service provider like Ideal Conditions. A trained and experienced technician will know exactly what to look for and be able to spot areas that need attention so your system can keep working to keep you comfortable year-round.

Call Ideal Conditions at 904-379-8762 or use our online contact form to request more information on keeping your system in top shape.