Holiday Lighting Safety Tips

“Is your house on fire? No, Aunt Bethany, those are the Christmas lights.” If you don’t get the reference, do yourself a favor this holiday season and catch the classic National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation. It is sure to become an instant favorite!

Even if you don’t plan to use “250 strands of lights…100 individual bulbs per strand for a grand total of 25,000 imported Italian twinkle lights,” there are some tips to keep in mind so you stay safe when it comes to decorating this holiday season.

There are hundreds of fires every year caused by a lack of focus on safely decorating for the holidays. To make sure you are not a part of this statistic this year, follow the following tips to stay safe this holiday season!

Inspect Your Decorations and Peripherals Annually

Your holiday lights have likely been sitting in a minimally climate-controlled space for nearly a year. Therefore, it is vital to inspect your lights prior to pinning them up again this year.

Not only should you take a close look at each strand, bulb, and plug, but do the same for any extension cord involved. Using the right type of extension cord in the approved space will provide a peace of mind for your holiday decorating season.

A common mistake many decorators make is using an indoor cable outdoors. Extension cords and lights made to be used outdoors feature a durable protective insulation that guards against moisture and temperature changes.

Also, follow the guidelines and instructions that accompany your decorative lights or other gear you plan to use this year.

Have the Right Equipment on Hand

Using lights to create a fun and festive atmosphere for the holidays can all come to a crashing halt if there is any kind of accident. Not only should every holiday designer follow all the manufacturer’s directions, but they also should take precaution while hanging and removing the lights as well.

Those who are overly enthusiastic (as if that is even possible) to get their decorations up early may be tempted to grab a nearby stool or chair to reach the high spots. However, rather than stacking furniture or climbing out windows, secure the necessary approved and functioning ladders ahead of time.

Finally, a regular inspection of your electrical system will ensure your property is safe for all the holiday decorating it can hold! Call Ideal Conditions at 904-379-8762 or get in touch online for more information today!