The Top Signs for Knowing it is Time to Rewire a Home

There are several reasons why a home may need to be rewired. Some of the signs to watch out for are covered below, but the primary reason a home should be rewired is to avoid an electrical fire.

Did you know that over half of home electrical fires are due to wiring problems, most of which could have been avoided? The US Fire Administration reports that fire departments respond to over 24,000 home electrical fires every year—leading to death, injury, and billions of dollars in property damage.

Rather than your home becoming part of this statistic, an inspection of your current electrical wiring by the right contractor can reveal issues that are easily resolved.

Pay Attention to What Your Home is Telling You

The most notable sign that you have an issue with your electrical wiring is an increased frequency of fuses blowing or breakers tripping. Homeowners may also notice dimming or flickering lights—especially when turning on appliances.

Do you notice your lights dimming the moment you flip the switch for your garbage disposal or start your dishwasher? These are some of the more subtle signs that your wiring needs an upgrade.

There are also more obvious—and dangerous—indications. Anytime you hear a buzzing, sizzling, or see sparking from either an outlet or switch, it is definitely time to contact a trained technician.

The age of a home also serves as a key indicator. Any house constructed more than 40 years ago is due for an inspection. Modern appliances require different demands than what electrical codes provided at the time of construction for homes with some age.

Leave Electrical Work to Trained Techs

There are too many horror stories out there from homeowners who attempted a DIY fix involving electrical work. Rather than being added to this list, why not trust your home and your safety to the care of experienced professionals?

The cost of rewiring a home is typically determined by its square footage, but homeowners who notice some of these warning signs often end up with a smaller fix, without the need for a whole house rewire.

To know what your home needs, contact the trusted pros at Ideal Conditions. Call Ideal Conditions at 904-379-8762 or use our online contact form to request more information about the need to rewire your home today!