3 Benefits of Using a Programmable Thermostat

Programmable Thermostat

  Programmable thermostats are now standard when it comes to temperature control in new homes and offices. If your heating, ventilation and air conditioning system does not currently have a programmable thermostat then the likelihood is you may be thinking of purchasing one. Before you do, you likely need to understand some of the benefits…

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3 Signs it’s Time to Upgrade your HVAC Unit

Residential Air Conditioner Repair Jacksonville

  In a perfect world HVAC (Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning) units would last forever, but this is not a perfect world. You may be tempted to hang on to a failing HVAC unit in Jacksonville for as long as possible, fearful of the cost of a new one, but you will simply be wasting…

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Why Changing Your Air Filter is So Important

Removing a square pleated dirty air filter

If there’s one key element of any HVAC system, it’s the air filter. Your air filter sits at the very heart of your air conditioning system, and having a poor quality, damaged, dirty or old air filter will have dire consequences upon your system’s effectiveness, and could cause your system to fail completely. You will…

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Benefits of HVAC Maintenance Plans

Technician is checking air conditioner

No matter what industry you work in, there’s one rule of thumb that’s true in all walks of life – the more you care for and properly maintain something, the longer it will remain in service. This rule is especially true of your furnace and air conditioning system, which means that the most sensible thing…

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