Energy Saving Tips to Reduce Your Power Bill This Summer

With temperatures nearing their peak for many parts of the country, especially in southern states like Florida, people are looking for ways to stay comfortable in their homes without it costing a small fortune. Fortunately, there are steps to take so that you and your family can save some money on energy bills this summer. Several of these strategies to save money will require an investment upfront but are well worth the initial cost to keep more of your money every month for years to come. There are some easy low-to-no-cost DIY options as well.

Significant investments in equipment lead to big savings.

The most significant investment with the greatest return is a new HVAC system. Replacing your old, outdated, and inefficient unit with a new Energy Star-rated system can reduce your current bills. Upgrading your system is a great way to invest in bonuses or stimulus checks the government offers. Many installers provide payment plans that spread the purchase out over time.

How often have you been at work or a friend’s home and wondered, “Did I turn the A/C back down before I left?” One upgrade with a more nominal upfront cost that can still significantly impact your utility bills is the installation of an smart thermostat. With a smart thermostat, you can check the real-time temperature of your home from anywhere and adjust it accordingly. Smart thermostats can also be programmed to adjust the temperature automatically depending on the time and day. Dialing back your thermostat by only 7 degrees for 8 hours a day can save over 9% on HVAC costs.

Weekend projects and regular maintenance can cut down on utility bills.

Other less inexpensive fixes that go a long way in cutting utility bills include protecting your current HVAC system from debris, cleaning your registers, sealing cracks, weatherstripping entryways, and installing ceiling fans. Taking these DIY steps will stop conditioned air from leaking out of your home and keep your air conditioner from running longer than necessary.

The trained technicians at a licensed and experienced HVAC service provider like Ideal Conditions can test your existing system to determine its energy efficiency. An annual maintenance agreement will ensure that your system receives the proper care and attention required to function at peak performance throughout the year.

Call Ideal conditions at (904) 379-8762 or use our online contact form to schedule a system checkup and learn more about how to save money on your monthly utility bills.