Five Electrical Safety Tips to Stay Safe this Winter

The transition from one season to another makes for changes in how you use your home and its appliances. Staying comfortable while spending more time indoors, along with all of the festivities we celebrate during late fall and winter, can mean an increased risk of electrical issues.

After all, electrical fires are the leading type of fires in homes across the country according to the National Fire Protection Agency. While not every accident is completely avoidable, most incidents are the result of human error.

Fortunately, through keeping a few considerations in mind as we make our way through the colder months, we can keep ourselves, our families, and our property as safe as possible.

Seasonal Shifts are Reminders for Staying Safe

The turning of the seasons—including daylight savings time—is the perfect opportunity to swap out the batteries in both your smoke alarms and your carbon monoxide detectors. Carbon monoxide detectors are vital in preventing illness and death from carbon monoxide poisoning, which is often a result of using common fuel sources to heat a home.

Also, avoid overloading circuits with extension cords and numerous energy-hungry appliances plugged into the same group of outlets. Extension cords should be used sparingly, and homeowners should not connect multiple cords together.

Personal Heating Can Make for Dangerous Conditions

Many homeowners are unaware of space heater dangers. Fitting a space heater into a small space, near flammable materials, or at a distance to far from a grounded outlet, puts a home at risk of a fire.

Space Heaters should be used very rarely and only as a last resort. If you need to supplement your HVAC with a space heater in a specific area, make sure it is placed on a hard and level surface at least four feet from furniture or decor.

Make sure to read the accompanying materials with any appliance or piece of electrical equipment to understand the specific safety guidelines for each.

Finally, avoid disaster by calling a professional to do any electrical work around your home this winter. Some may be tempted to try and DIY a project, which often leads to injury or dangerous installations that cause issues down the road.

The licensed electrical contractors with Ideal Conditions prioritize the safety of your home and family above all. Call Ideal Conditions at 904-379-8762 or schedule service online today!