The Right Type of Air Conditioner for Warmer Weather

choosing HVACIn states with a warmer climate like that of Florida, where the average annual temperature is 70.7°F, an air conditioner that can handle almost year-round usage will be a much better investment than a standard system. If you are having a hard time figuring out what kind of air conditioner will keep you most comfortable, read on to discover some tips to keep in mind.

Don’t Try to Get Away with Smaller Units

One mistake people in warm climates often make is to cool space by space, rather than cooling the whole house. A mobile unit in a bedroom or living room is not going to keep you comfortable. Window and portable units are also not nearly as efficient as a central AC unit that cools your entire home.

If you are experiencing warm spots around the house, the culprit is most likely a unit that is too small for your current square footage. Trying to remedy this by turning the thermostat down will cause your current unit to run beyond its capacity and still leaves inconsistent temperatures throughout the house. Rather than adjusting the thermostat, you should contact a local HVAC professional about obtaining a larger unit to accommodate the size of your home.

The right size system will also allow you to run your AC for shorter intervals. Over time, this more efficient method for keeping your home cool will also result in lower power bills. High-performance and highly efficient systems may cost more upfront, but can save you money in the long run.

There Are Several Benefits to Having the Right AC Unit for Your Home

Not only will you and your family be comfortable, especially during the hotter summer months, but a high-efficiency system designed for warmer climates will also likely last longer than a lower cost model trying to operate beyond its capacity. The workhorses manufactured today will also do a much better job of controlling the humidity in your home as well as the temperature. This results in a much more comfortable experience overall for you and your family to enjoy.

To speak to a professional technician about getting a rightsized AC unit for your home, call Ideal Conditions at 904-379-8762 or use our online contact form. Ideal Conditions has been certified by the North American Technician Excellence organization; which is the nation’s largest HVAC service certifier. Our trained installers will answer all your questions and help determine the perfect HVAC solution for your home.