Why You Need to Keep Animals Away from Your Air Vents

When keeping your home comfortable for your pets, there may be other animals trying to make themselves comfortable in your air ducts. Whether it’s an animal you brought into your home or one trying to make your home their home, animals in your ductwork will cause major issues for your HVAC system.

What You Need to Watch For

The vents both inside and outside of your home can provide a means for animals making their way into your air ducts. When this happens, your quality of air can decrease significantly and, in some cases, major repairs might be in your future.

To prevent potential disaster, pay close attention to the area in front of your vents and the border around the vents themselves. If you notice any markings made by claws or paws, it is likely that animals are trying to get in.

Other signs that animals are making their way to your air ducts are wiring that has been chewed, tapping or other noises in ceilings, and even foul odors. It’s time to investigate as soon as you notice or experience any of these signs.

There is Something you Can do Now to Avoid Damage Later

To avoid animals making their way into your vents and ductwork, begin by replacing old vent covers with new ones that will make your system less susceptible to critters. Contacting a professional will ensure that you are choosing the right protection for your system.

We tend to ignore the less used spaces of our home when it comes to monitoring for unwanted visitors. After all, out of sight, out of mind. Therefore, make a checklist of all your spaces, including unused attics and basements. Make sure you are regularly checking for signs of animals finding their way into ductwork through vents or other openings.

A Professional is Your Best Resource to Protect Your Air Quality

Not only can animals in your system cost you money, but their presence also means you are sacrificing the quality of the air you and your family are breathing every day. The good news is that you don’t have to! To make sure you are breathing the healthiest air possible, give Ideal Conditions a call at (904) 379-8762 or use the online contact form. Our fast and dependable HVAC repair professionals will make sure you are set up to keep unwanted animals out and that your entire HVAC system is operating properly.